- Combi rides! (the best ones are on the way to or from Shilla from/to Carhuaz)
- Eating soup for breakfast (usually accompanied by a second dish... I miss cereal)
- Sleepovers in Jangas
- Listening/Dancing to Huayno (lyrics I sing a lot: Se va.. se va.. con el coche de su madre!!!)
- Listening/Dancing to Cumbia (lyrics I sing a lot: dejame entrar.. en tu vida y tu corazon!)
- Paint things
- Read..... a lot... and I mean... a lot.
- Swatting flies off my host abuela (grandma).... and then learning important lessons about hygene
- Disfrutaring (enjoying) the rain (it oftentimes works as a shower)
- Yelling at various animals (mostly chickens and our cat)
- Hang out with the host family (playing Go Fish, Bingo, generally laughing/eating meals)
- Recording cute Itzel (my niece) moments
- Teaching English in and out of school
- World Map-ness
- Trying to obtain Quechua superpowers
- Wearing yankees (the typical tire shoes)
- Sleeping (I get about 8 hours every night :)
- Chatting with Shillapinos
- Teaching children the "up high, down low, too slow" game
- Recently, spreading the word about AIDS (world AIDS day is December 1st)
- Huaraz time a couple times a month... meaning delicious American food with fellow volunteers
- Walking up and down my hill
- Eating papas like nobody's business
- Spending time with the jovenes (youth)!
Happy Turkey Day a day late! Today we (Ancash voluntarios) are making a delicious huge Thanksgiving Cena (dinner). Yay!