Hola a todos!
Apparently there is truth in the correlation between less blogs and the closer a peacecordian is to their two year mark. So, sorry about that. Here's an update!
First off, just recently I got the wonderful news that I get to stay one more year as PCVL (Peace Corps Volunteer Leader) here in Huaraz! I'm soooo excited and feel this is definitely where I need to be in the next coming year. I'll get to support my fellow Ancash volunteers and still work in youth development, but just now in the capitol city. Sigh. Best news. EVER :)
So I now have just two months left working and living in Shilla... I've got Amigos y Libros classes to wrap up, a presentation and report to do, some med checks, the town party at the end of this month, and many many despedidas to attend to. It'll be hard to move but it's a good step to be going to Huaraz.. I'll still get to see my host familia on occasion while changing up my work a bit. Change is good. I have to keep reminding myself of that.
Just last night Julie and Caitlin left back to the states after their two week Peruvian adventure (and it was DEFINITELY an adventure). Having them here in the Callejon de Huaylas this past week was soooo fun and refreshing. They even lived in Shilla for half the week! Brave souls. Two glacier lake hikes, 10 classes, one peruvian meeting, chifa and California Cafe meals later they are on their way back home. I've been so lucky that during these past two years I have had so many visitors who want to see what I'm doing here and be a part of it. Ahora, solo falta Bri! :) I'll see Julie, Caitlin and the rest of the six pack in August on my month leave.
Hokay! That is all for now! Cuidanse! I'll be back in Cali for a bit soon.