Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Musica a mis oidos

Dear Regina Spektor,
I just wanted to say thank you. You will probably never read this but I just thought it would be good to let you know that it is your music that gets me through the combi rides and hard times in Peace Corps Peru. I melt in your songs. I hear the same lyrics over and over again and every time they take on new meaning and I have never felt so connected to words from an artist before. As if I was there and wrote them myself because that is how I'm feeling but I needed you to put it out there eloquently, in a different way with a different rhythm and sound. Man of a Thousand Faces is all that there needs to be in the world. And good is better than perfect.


1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    We loved seeing your Dad's and James' pictures of their trip to Peru. It's so beautiful there and you look so happy. You continue to amaze me. I'm getting you lots of bubble bath when you come back to Ventura.
    Love you,
