Thursday, June 11, 2009

Perros, Peruvians, y Paras... Oh my!

Hola a todos!
It has officially been a week of Peacecordian Life. Que chevere! (how cool). Let me take a little time to describe my Familia!
Mi Papa is named Paul. He is in his early sixties and is so... cute.. there´s really not other word to describe him. He is jubliado (or retired as we say in the States) but stays active taking care of the house since my madre here is paralyzed from the waist down after a bus accident 14 years ago. He cooks, washes clothes, and actually... (I did NOT ask him to do this.. but he does it anyway) organizes my room each day after I leave... even though I do not think it is messy.. I dont have much to be messy with! He is protective and tells me continuously that this is my house and he is my dad and to tener confianza y dice a el todo (tell him everything).

Side Note: theres this little girl sitting next to me who has become my friend. Nicole (who is 6) and I met two days ago in this internet cafe and she hugged me today when she saw me and remembered my name and everything. She is adorable and tells me all the English words she knows. She is currently playing Barbie games.

Then there is my madre: Teofila. She is a beautiful person, inside and out. Like I said she cannot move and stays in the house constantly. Either in bed or on the couch with us in the main room. She exudes an essense of tranquility... makes me feel very content and at home and always has something to ask me about my day and classes. She made me take a nap today. :) I fell asleep watching a movie with her. (we watched A Walk to Remember in espanol the other day).

My sister is Dennis. Before I met her I thought I had two brothers!! I soon found out you pronounce it like Denise. She is one year older than me (her birthday is in September too!) and understands everything I say and I love to spend time with her. On my very first day I went with her and my brother to buy him some clothes and she would ask my opinion and it was awesome! Anywho. She cooks a lot in the house (her food is awesome) one of my favorite things so far that she makes is a warm drink for breakfast called Soya.. is delicioso. She is studying to become a laboratory worker for hospitals (like... examining blood and other human liquids as she put it).

Mi hermano se llama Randol. He is 18 and is hilarious. I joke aroudn with him a lot (with the whole familia actually). He is the hardest for me to understand because his voice is low and he talks fast.. but he is very calm and considerate too. I think I´m going to go play soccer with him on Saturday if I can. He loves Dragonball, action movies, and is studying in a University in Lima too... studying Computers.

So. That is my family in a nutshell. Theres also a little dog named Tobey. He is cute and loves to play. I haven´t taken that many pictures at all! But I did take some of my casa today so I will try and post them soon. Anywho, lots of funny things have happened, I´ve made American friends and Peruvian friends... seen a protest (against the things that are happening in the rainforests here right now), wake up to dogs fighting and roosters crowing... I have taken 2 cold showers so far... and.... have not gotten used to them yet. I think I´ve advanced levels of Spanish already.. (maybe.. keep your fingers crossed for me). I tested into Intermediate Medium... and they say I should move up to Intermediate High. We shall see. I LOVE riding in the combis (the busses here) and speaking spanish CONSTANTLY. It´s like.. my dream! The spanish major finally paid off!People are still confused here when they ask me what I studied and I say Spanish.. and then they say.. but what career? hehe. I´ll put my pics up soon and I hope everyone is doing well! Write me and ask questions! Lets set up skype dates everyone!

Abrazos Fuertes,


  1. Your journal is wonderful. I hope you maintain it because I miss you back here. I will write to you in the next couple weeks, just as soon as something interesting happens, or if not just a log of the little bits of news that add up over time. For your next post, tell us about your day job, yeah? A day in the life, if you will.

  2. em what's your email? i have updates for you! your host family sounds wonderful...i told you that youd get along fine cause youre so lovable <3 skype date soon

  3. Mucho mejor. No vamos entonces a bailar, perdon.

    I'm happy you're happy. I'm having an excess of happy up here too. Also, I have no idea how many other people know what you're talking about, switching back and forth between thoughts and languages, but I'm enjoying the heck out of it.

    Be safe, send a smiley picture.
